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How to save Your Phone's Battery Life .

How to save Your Phone's Battery Life - skafa13

 How to save Your Phone's Battery - Talking Tech Podcast Press play on the player above to listen to the podcast and follow along with the transcript below. This transcript was created automatically and then modified in its current form for clarity read more apple iPhone 16 .

How to save Your Phone's Battery Life ?

Hello listeners. Nothing is worse, worse or worse than when you have your phone and the battery is about to die. It's also sad when you think that your battery is half full, and then you realize that ... you look and it's about 20% and you're like, "I used this, why does this happen?"


 When you need to check your email or wait for a call, you also see that your phone is at 1%, or is about to die, or is dead. That doesn't make you happy. But there are steps you can take to monitor apps on your phone and save battery life.

My colleague and technical writer Jennifer Jolly wrote about the story you can read on tech.usatoday.com. Indicates why you should not close applications that are not useful in other ways to store phone and battery information read more Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max.

The first step. Stop forcing your apps to shut down. Who knows it's weird because you have a lot of open apps and you do a little bit of wiping on your phone, And you want to make your phone faster, things like that, right? It is not necessary. Your phone usually has a working device when all of these apps are not working read about iphone 15 pro max.

So when the battery issue comes up, if you try to close these apps, when you open them, you try to recover all the lost information when you turn them off, which means you use a lot of batteries to make the app run again. . So I know it's important to shut down all these apps and wipe them off. Don't do it, leave it alone.

Another name Jennifer gives. Turn off application functionality. Mostly what it does is what you can ... It will automatically update the various apps on your phone. That's OK, but part of the problem is the battery life. So shut up. Android is great, because it has an adaptive battery called Jennifer. And he talks about how to take care of most of those issues and what you can do is reduce the way your phone uses batteries for apps and how you don’t use some apps or don’t use them often. , will not use too much juice to help promote these programs.

Removal is one of the last steps you take. I do this with Spotify. I have a list of my favorite games, which I downloaded from my phone. It saves battery power because it plays on the phone instead of traveling, and traveling will take more battery than you take out. So there are times when you know you're going to be in a certain place and want to watch TV, where you can get rid of it. If you have time, put it in your phone, save battery life, and give you more so that you don’t find out when your battery is missing and you need to make a phone call.

You can read more of Jennifer's advice online at tech.usatoday.com. Listeners let us hear. Do you have ideas, questions, feedback, technology issues that you would like us to try to solve? You can find me on Twitter @ brettmolina23. You've heard of Tech Talk, we'll be back tomorrow with more tech speed.


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